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From page to screen: How books are adapted into movies
MOVIES Behind the scenes 19 hours ago
Mistakes that were kept in movies
MOVIES Film trivia 07/05/24
The impressive legacy of 'Star Wars'
MOVIES Retrospective 04/05/24
Things movies get wrong about space
MOVIES Science 03/05/24
The most iconic stars of the silent film era
MOVIES Silent films 03/05/24
Cinema's toughest filming locations
MOVIES Films 03/05/24
Movies that will make you cry every time
MOVIES What to watch 03/05/24
Did radiation kill the cast of 'The Conqueror'?
MOVIES 'the conqueror' 02/05/24
Movies that bankrupted their studios
MOVIES Disasters 01/05/24
The 30 best space movies of all time
MOVIES Sci-fi 01/05/24
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